Best paper: “The Persistent Effect of Pre-College Computing Experience on College CS Course Grades” by Christine Alvarado, Gustavo Umbelino, and Mia Minnes.
Saturday 08:45-10:00 Session: High School #1, Rom 319
2nd Best paper: “How Near Peer Mentoring Affects Middle School Mentees” by Jody Clarke-Midura, Fred Poole, Katarina Pantic, Megan Hamilton, Vincent Sun, and Vicki Allan.
Friday 13:45-15:00 Session: Peer Mentoring, Room: 321
3rd Best paper: “Enhancing Security Education Through Designing SDN Security Labs in Cloudlab” by Younghee Park, Hongxin Hu, Xiaohong Yuan, and Hongda Li.
Thursday 13:45 Session: Cybersecurity #2, Room: 318
Best paper: “Computational Thinking for All: An Experience Report on Scaling up Teaching Computational Thinking to All Students in a Major City in Sweden” by Fredrik Heintz and Linda Mannila.
Thursday 13:45 Session: Computational Thinking #1, Room 317
2nd Best paper: “Recommendations of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group on Student Data from a National CS Education Program” by Nwannediya Ada Ibe, Rebecca Howsmon, Lauren Penney, Nathaniel Granor, and Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser.
Friday 15:45-17:00 Session: Diversity #3, Room: 316
3rd Best paper: “Ethics Education in Context: A Case Study of Novel Ethics Activities for the CS Classroom” by Michael Skirpan, Nathan Beard, Srinjita Bhaduri, Casey Fiesler, and Tom Yeh.
Saturday 10:45 Session: Ethics, Room 321
Best paper: “Upward Mobility for Underrepresented Students: A Model for a Cohort-based Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science” by Sathya Narayanan, Kathryn Cunningham, Sonia Arteaga, Joe Welch, Leslie Maxwell, Zechariah Chawinga, and Bude Su.
Friday 15:45-17:00 Session: Diversity #3, Room: 316
2nd Best paper: “A Model for Increasing Gender Diversity in Technology” by Penny Rheingans, Erica D’Eramo, Crystal Diaz-Espinoza, and Danyelle Ireland.
Friday 10:45-12:00 Session: Diversity #1, Room: 316
3rd Best paper: “DIVAS: Outreach to the Natural Sciences through Image Processing” by Mark Meysenburg, Tessa Durham Brooks, Raychelle Burks, Erin Doyle, and Timothy Frey. Friday 15:45-17:00 Session: Professional Development, Room: 318