Pre-Symposium and Affiliated Events

Date Due Friday, October 13, 2017
Time Due 23:59 AoE (Baker Island, UTC-12h)
Submission Limits 2 pages (including abstract of 250 words)
Duration Morning (8:30-Noon, break 10-10:30 am), Afternoon (1:30-5 pm, break 3-3:30 pm), or All Day (8:30 am-5 pm, lunch, two breaks)
Submission Link Easy Chair
Notification to Authors Monday, November 27th, 2017
Camera-Ready Copy Monday, December 11th
Camera-Ready Instructions @ Sheridan Publishing

What is a Pre-Symposium or Affiliated Events?

Pre-Symposium and Affiliated Events are an excellent venue for SIGCSE sub-communities to arrange their own affiliated event or meeting on Wednesday before SIGCSE gets started. We encourage submission of events that describe existing and emerging subfields and the plan organizers have to build growth in their communities. We also encourage events that help develop new faculty and leaders in Computer Science Education.

The SIGCSE 2017 organizers have a vision to encourage sub-communities to organize their own affiliated events by submitting a pre-symposium event proposal that should include a description of the subfield and its importance and relevance, the proposed organizing committee and program committee, and the proposed format for the event.

If your affiliated event is accepted, affiliated events would then release a “Call for Participation” inviting members of your community to submit papers, posters, or other types of submissions to your own event submission site. Your organizing and program committees would be responsible for handling all affiliated event websites, submissions, decisions, notifications, and publication of the event proceedings.

Proposals undergo review but not blind review.

How Should The Proposal Be Formatted?

Event proposals are to be provided in PDF format. The full proposal contains an abstract and a body that describes your Event (as detailed below). The abstract needs to appear in two places: in the PDF proposal and in a text box on the submission page.

The full proposal is used for the review process only. If the proposal is accepted, the abstract is the description that appears on the Symposium website and in the Symposium program and proceedings. The format for the proposal is as follows.

Event Proposal Format and Contents

  • Laptop Required. Participants should bring a laptop computer to participate in this workshop.

  • Proposer(s): Include name, affiliation, email address, and website address. You should expect most correspondence related to the conference to arrive via email. Please check your spam filter if you haven’t received an expected notification because the auto-responses generated by the conference software are sometimes blocked.

  • Title: A title for the Pre-Symposium Event.

  • Abstract: A description of the Event. The same abstract will also need to be submitted via a text box on the submission page. Please be sure that your description is accurate and that both submitted copies (here in the Event Proposal, and in the submission text box) are exactly the same.

  • Event URL: List the anticipated URL for your event website here.

  • Significance and Relevance of the Event Topic/Purpose: Please include information about any trends in relation to the subfield and possibly describe (or cite) evidence to that effect. Your objective here is to explain why the event or community served is significant.

  • Intended Audience: Briefly describe the nature and size of the intended/expected audience. This information will help gauge the level of interest SIGCSE attendees will have in the Event.

  • Expertise of Organizer(s): Give a summary of the qualifications of the organizer(s) as it relates to the event being proposed.

  • Rough Agenda for the Event: Timing details would be helpful here. Explain what the attendees can expect. Be sure to budget a realistic amount of time for questions from attendees.

  • Affiliated Event only: Types of submissions: If your event will solicit contributions, list the types here.

  • Affiliated Event only: Topics for submissions: If your event will solicit contributions, list the topics of interest here.

  • Affiliated Event only: Program Committee: If your event will solicit contributions, list the proposed reviewers/PC here.

  • Audio/Visual and Room Setup Requirements: Please enter these only on the EasyChair submission form, and not in your proposal upload document.

Event Proposal Abstract

The abstract is the description of the Demo that will appear on the conference web pages. The description is limited to and must match verbatim the abstract section of the Event Proposal. The Event abstract must be submitted in plain text. The abstract for an accepted proposal SHOULD contain a URL with more information. (Abstracts of accepted Events can be edited in response to feedback.)

Sample Proposal

How Do I Submit My Proposal?

Write your 2 to 4-page event submission using the format specified above.

Convert your proposal into Adobe PDF format. Refer to our Creating Adobe PDF Documents page page for assistance.

Submit your proposal via EasyChair.

Follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

By SIGCSE policy, at least one contributor is required to register, attend and present a pre-symposium or affiliated event. See our full policy for more information.


If you have questions about anything discussed above, please contact the Pre-Symposium and Affiliated Events Team.